AJ Crabill releases book series on fixing American Schools

AJ Crabill releases book series on fixing American Schools

Board member AJ Crabill is one of the only (or perhaps the only) American to successfully turn around multiple US school districts. This earned him the nation's most prestigious annual educational award in 2019 from the US Education Commission.

He has turned his learnings on effective board governance into a series of books and workbooks, as well as program to train turn around experts.

You can read more on his wikipedia page about his incredible journey from victim of the American education and foster system, to serving as a foster parent, becoming school board president of the district that failed him, and bringing it back to accreditation for the first time in 40 years. Not stopping he went to his prior home and became the Texas Deputy Commissioner on Education turning around failing school districts all over the state – there he systematized his learnings into this new series of books.

Foreword by Michael Casserly Read a sample Available Now! Chapter 16: School Bo…