Irish Council For Civil Liberties

Irish Council For Civil Liberties

Irish Council for Civil Liberties - Is a famous human rights org since 1976, We supported their Enforce project on cell phone surveillance in EU/US and its groundbreaking work.

For example:

America’s hidden security crisis
How data about American defence personnel and political leaders flows to foreign states and non-state actors.

Related to this, we have started offering Optery to our donors and grantees as part of our Internet Security advice for persons of interest.

See grantee Naomi Brockwell's Ludlow Institute on privacy and security discussing this here

See also Guide to Setting up a Graphene OS high security phone and for more tutorials.

Internet Security advice for persons of interest
Good Ancestor provides pro-bono last mile assistance, security advice, and referrals for security targeted individuals who face nation state actor threats. VIPs we’ve served include our grantees, donors, and ecosystem partners, former heads of state in exile, human rights activists and their families, AI safety leaders, policy experts, journalists, semiconductor

And our VIP internet security last mile projecct.